A Prayer for Healing
Lord, the threat of violence affects our lives today as never before. Guide us, as members of the world family, towards a lasting peace and a genuine love and understanding of one another which will enable us to find just and nonviolent solutions to the problems we face. For where your peace and love abide, there can be none of the anger, hate, and bitterness which cause a person, race, or nation to strike out against another. Help us, by respecting the dignity and rights of each person and nation, to find Your will and Your way in the situations we face.
Adapted from Healing Prayers, The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood
Heavenly Father,
You have created us for a definite purpose.
Grant us the grace to know the path You have planned for each of us in this life, and to respond with a generous “Yes.”
Make my parish, my home and my heart fruitful ground for Your gift of vocations to the priesthood of Jesus Christ.
May our young men respond to Your call with courage and zeal. Stir among them a desire and the strength to be good and holy priests. We make our prayer for priestly vocations to You, Father, in the Holy Spirit, through Christ our Lord.
Mary, Mother of the Church,
pray for us.
Saint Joseph, Patron of our Archdiocese,
pray for us.
Blessed Michael McGivney, pray for us.
A Litany for Children and Families in Difficult Times
O God, we love you,
because you first loved us.
Help us to love,
as Jesus taught us to love.
Heavenly Father, you made all people in your image.
We give you thanks.
Lord Jesus, you brought healing to the world.
We give you thanks.
Sweet Spirit, you comfort us when we are sad.
We give you thanks.
For all who are hurting,
we pray to you, God.
For all who are mistreated,
we pray to you, God.
For all whose voices are not respected,
we pray to you, God.
For all those suffering from mental illness,
We pray to you God.
For all who are worried,
we pray to you, God.
For peace in our city, nation, and world,
we pray to you,
Lord Jesus, when we turn our backs on God,
show us how to turn to God.
Lord Jesus, when we see others hurting,
help us to show the Good News in what we say and do.
Lord Jesus, when we look at our neighbors,
help us to see your face in them.
Lord Jesus, when we see people different from us,
help us to see them as beautiful.
For our enemies,
we pray to you, God of love.
For those who disagree with us,
we pray to you, God of love.
May the God who loves us more than we can imagine give us the strength to love all whom we meet, especially when it is hard