Saint Peter Claver parishioners participate in a wide range of
outreach ministries that benefit our community
Outreach Ministry
Contact: Susan & Richard Lindberg,
Sandwich Ministry
Faith Formation families are invited to come together once a month to help make sandwiches which are then delivered by our Outreach ministry to the South Park Inn homeless shelter in Hartford. We meet on the second Wednesday of every month at 3:30 in the Parish Hall. Sign up is required
Contacts: Carol Moriarity in the Faith Formation Office at (860) 521-2904
The Christmas Food Basket Program has been in existence at St. Peter Claver Church for over 30 years. This is a well-supported activity which parish families look forward to participating in each Christmas. The mission of the program is to provide a plentiful basket of food for Christmas Day for families in need through a variety of organizations including local hospitals, the Town of West Hartford, Holy Trinity Church, and South Park Inn. The program could not be run without the many volunteers and generous families from our parish, as we’ve typically provided for 180 families or more each year. Planning starts in September and culminates with deliveries to families on the Sunday before Christmas.
Contacts: Jeff Amell,
St. Elizabeth House Dinners
Rotating teams coordinate dinners prepared by our parishioners, delivered and served to the House of Mercy Shelter – St. Elizabeth House in Hartford.
Contact: VACANT (Please call the Parish Office 860-561-4235)