Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

Youth in grades 4 – 12 who assist the priest/deacon at weekend Masses, Christmas, Easter Season and at Confirmation, First Communion and other special Masses.

Training:  Training sessions are available as needed.

Contacts:  Michele Siew


Adult Altar Servers

 Adult Altar servers are always needed to assist our priest and serve at funerals.

Contact: The Parish Office 860-561-4235

Art and Environment

Ensures the beauty of our worship space with careful attention given to the use of liturgical banners, flowers and special decorations for Christmas, Easter and throughout the year.


Norma Spadola, or Liz Smith,

Baptismal Garments

A white garment is presented to each child that is baptized. Parishioners are invited to sew these simple garments at home. A sewing machine and basic sewing skills are all that's needed. A serger is helpful but not required.

Contacts:  Michelle Kiley,

                   Lorri Chapman,

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Offers an opportunity for the children of our parish (ages 3-7) to become more fully engaged in celebrating our Liturgy.  The children are dismissed prior to the First Reading and gather in the Parish Hall to hear the readings at their level of understanding. Liturgy of the Word is offered every Sunday at the10:30 a.m. Mass.  Volunteer adult presiders are always welcome and needed to make the program a success. All materials are supplied by the Faith Formation Office.

Contact: Crol Moriarity

Eucharistic Ministers

Assist priest in the distribution of Holy Communion at weekend Masses and bring the sacrament to the homebound.

Training:  Gigi Frailey, 860-561-4235,

Contact:  Ann Vaughan,


A welcoming committee of the church. He or she is the first person who greets our fellow parishioners when they enter our church. The responsibilities of being a greeter include arriving 15 minutes before mass begins, greeting our parish community with a smile and a friendly acknowledgement and answering any questions they might have. 

Contact:  Sue Fradette,


Prepares for and Proclaims the Word during all weekend Masses. Includes being willing to serve at one of the weekend Masses 2 or 3 times during the scheduling cycle (which usually covers 3 to 4 months). Mass preferences are honored when possible. 

Contact:  Jim Palma,

Liturgy Committee

Provides support, planning and time in preparing liturgical celebrations throughout the year. Special attention is devoted to Advent and Christmas, Lent, Holy Week/Triduum and Easter. Attending these meetings are our Pastor, Pastoral Associate, Music Director, Cantor, Chair of Art and Environment, Schedulers of Lectors and Altar Servers, Chair of the committee. 

Contact:  VACANT (Please call the Parish Office 860-561-4235)

Liturgical Linens

In this ministry the used, small liturgical linens are removed from the Sacristy and taken home to wash, dry and iron, all while offering prayerful intentions, and then returning the freshly laundered linens back to the Sacristy. There are no committee meetings to attend or minutes to read. 

Contact: Lorri Chapman

Music Ministry/Choir

Men and women who provide music for liturgies and at special seasonal events.  Members sing each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Mass.  New members are encouraged and always welcome.

Rehearsals:  Sundays prior to the 10:30 a.m. Mass 

Contact:  Tim Stella,


Assist priest in preparations for the weekend Masses.  Prepares the altar, selects the gift bearers, and coordinates with the ushers.

Contact: VACANT (Please call the Parish Office 860-561-4235)


Assist in the offertory collection, seat people and distribute bulletins at weekend and special Masses.

Contact: Jim Kelly,

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