Knights of Columbus

A message from past Grand Knight Austin Gillis

Our mission: We are Catholic men building a bridge back to faith. There is much good and necessary work to be done in this world, and that's what Knights do every day.

Welcome to the Knights of Columbus Council 10817 webpage at St. Peter Claver Church. For over 100 years the Knights of Columbus have been helping families and neighbors in our communities through acts of service and charity. At St. Peter Claver, the Knights support the Hartford Catholic Worker, a lay community of Catholics living in the North End of Hartford, and recently purchased a new cabin and picnic tables for their summer youth camp in Voluntown, CT.

The Knights also host various fundraising events throughout the year including "Breakfast with Santa", St. Patrick's Dinner, a BBQ Dinner, and sponsor drive-thru food drives to benefit the local food bank, "The Town That Cares", to help our less fortunate neighbors through these difficult times. Finally, the Knights participate in a "Coats for Kids" winter clothing drive and deliver meals to families during the Christmas holiday.

Please take a few moments to review the following pages to see all the good that the Knights do and consider joining our Council to share in the rewards gained by being a Knight.


Phil Neptin

Grand Knight

K of C Council 10817 

St. Peter Claver Church

West Hartford, CT

For additional  information or to join, please email Jim Palma 860-299-6750

Watch this presentation to learn more about
the K of C at St. Peter Claver

The founding and mission and the activities of the council at our parish.

  • Catholic Worker House
  • Saint Patrick's Day Dinner
  • Breakfast with Santa
  • BBQ Dinner
  • Refurbishing of the parish's creche and figures
  • and more
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