Our Goal
The St. Peter Claver Faith Formation Program seeks to provide to all families the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary for their ongoing conversion to Jesus Christ and the Gospel in order to bring about full participation in the life of the Catholic Church. In nurturing all age groups, we will foster community among the children, families, and the parish community, encouraging all to be good stewards of the gifts God has given them, using these gifts to proclaim, celebrate and serve the Kingdom of God.
Our Focus
The Office of Faith Formation focuses on the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ and His Church in proclaiming the Good News of the kingdom of God. The Faith Formation Office is responsible for parish-based religious education/catechetical programs. These programs are for all ages - religious education is life-long learning. Catechesis includes sacramental preparation (First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation), Faith formation programs for K-6, junior high, senior high, and Families. The Office of Faith Formation focuses on the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ and His Church in proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Our Focus is Teaching the Four Pillars of Faith.
Catechetical Ministry
The catechetical ministry of the Catholic Church has been nurtured and renewed in recent years with the publication of three important Church documents, namely the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the General Directory for Catechesis, and the National Directory for Catechesis. All of these documents remind us that families are the first teachers of their children in the faith and that we as catechists and catechetical leaders are to support them in this vital parent responsibility in every way that we can. It is our privilege to assist you, your child’s primary catechist, with their faith formation.
Phone: (860) 521-2904
Email: CMoriarty@spcwh.org
Dear St. Peter Claver Parish Family,
Are you the parent of a young child or know one who is?
Our parish is launching a new session of Nurturing Seedlings as our experience in 2024enriched everyone so much! Nurturing Seedlings is a supportive circle of parents withchildren from birth to age five, guided by parents with adult children. True to our parish family, we are supporting each other in this group as an extended family does with guidance, down-to-earth tips, and love.
Nurturing Seedlings is free and only one hour a week for 4-5 weeks. Short enough to suit your schedule and allow us to connect in positive ways that will make a real impact in your life and the life of your child or children. As an added bonus: you’ll meet other young families just like yours!
To register or learn more: Email Carol Moriarty, Director of Faith Formation,
cmoriarty@spcwh.org. Please share this invite. All are welcome!
Blessings to you,
Madelyn and Tom Filomeno, Bob Kiley and Angela Martin
Your Nurturing Seedlings Team